
Windrix Hall - 43

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Literature Text

Fandom: The Outsiders
Pairing: Johnny/Sodapop
Genre: Romance, Drama
Rating: NC-17 (overall)
Disclaimer: Characters belong to S.E. Hinton
Authors: Zayhad & M3535

Chapter 43 – “Back off!”

Sodapop took Johnny’s hand and walked back to their table. On the way he had to dodge a couple of advances with "Sorry", "No" and holding up their joined hands to show that they were together. 

When they got back, their table had been taken (to no surprise, since they had left it completely deserted). They discovered Steve and Evie at the bar with a small crowd of people, so they found a couple of bar stools and sat down next to them. They were playing a drinking game, it seemed, and Steve looked like he was well on the way to very drunk, and he had certainly lost all his reservations, laughing and looking very much at home. 

"Hi, boys," said Evie and wrapped an arm around each of Soda's and Johnny's necks. Although not nearly as drunk as her boyfriend, she too wasn't exactly sober anymore. She let go of Soda and gave Johnny a kiss on the cheek. 

"You were dancing! Was it good?" she asked excitedly. 

"Yeah," Johnny said and smiled at her. "I had a little trouble keeping up, though."

"You did good!" she said and hugged him tightly. "I’m so happy for you guys!"

Johnny was a little surprised and hugged her back, guessing she was the loving type when she was drunk.

"Hey, Soda!" Steve said and grinned at him. "Come join me and these fine people! This is... Ginger?" 

He studied the person next to him, who gave him a nod and then shook Soda’s hand. "Nice to meet you. You are very cute."

"He’s taken," Steve grinned. "Not by me. By that little dude who’s hugging my girlfriend. I don't mind. He’s gay." Steve downed another shot. "Woooooaaah, this is strong stuff. Never seen a girl able to drink like that..."

Ginger tossed her hair over her shoulder. "I’m not a real girl, silly. I'm a drag queen."

Steve raised an eyebrow. "Is that like a queen of car racing?"

Ginger laughed and shook her head. "No, it's a sort of show performance."

Sodapop covered his mouth with his hand and sniggered. Steve must really be drunk if he was this slow. And how could he have been sitting there for a while not realizing that this Ginger was a man? Soda had seen much more convincing drag queens. 

He turned and got Evie's attention. "You noticed right away, didn't ya? And you didn't tell him?"

Evie nodded and grinned. "I wanna see where it's going. We might get some great pictures for the yearbook or something."

Johnny leaned against Soda's shoulder. He gave a small chuckle as Ginger tried to explain to Steve what a drag queen was.


Two-Bit walked around the dance floor and spotted a good looking girl. He swaggered up to her, flashing her a wide grin.

"Hey there, baby. How you doin’?"

The girl gave him the elevator look. "Sorry, I'm taken."

Two-Bit waggled his eyebrows, grinning. "I don't mind a threesome. Or she can watch. I don't care."

He suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see someone standing behind him. He raised an eyebrow and studied the person, not sure if it was a man or a woman. The person had short hair and was wearing a lumberjack shirt, but the face seemed a bit feminine.

"Are you hitting on my girl?"

Two-Bit shrugged. "Maybe. I was just asking her to try a man. Or has she done that already?" he asked while still trying to figure out who he was talking to.

The next seconds went really fast and he didn't even see the fist before it collided with his face. 

"Back off, dude!" the person said and dragged the girl off. 

Sitting on the floor, Two-Bit got eye-contact with the girl and made a phone sign with his hand, miming call me.


Steve was getting rather popular. He was laughing and joking loudly, and he was generously buying drinks for everybody he got into conversation with.

"Hey, Two-Bit," said Sodapop as he spotted the red-head coming back from the dance floor. "What the hell happened to you?" he asked, noticing a large red bruise on his jaw. 

"I got socked by a… guy, I think. I'm pretty sure it was a guy." He leaned in over the bar and ordered a beer. Then he spotted Steve and raised an eyebrow. "Well, someone cheered up, I see!"

Evie grinned and nodded as she swung her arms around Johnny's neck.

"Hey, Evie. You're pretty busy with my boyfriend. Feeling neglected by your own?" asked Sodapop, raising an eyebrow. 

Evie sent him a sad look and almost squeezed all the air out of Johnny's lungs as she hugged him tighter. "But he’s just so cute!"

Johnny looked at her and then at Soda with a "help me" look on his face. 

"Hey, where are they going now?" said Two-Bit suddenly.

Steve had gotten up with a small crowd of people, and Two-Bit, Soda, and Johnny followed them with their eyes as they moved toward a small stage in the middle of the dance floor.

"What the...?" said Soda and debated with himself whether he should interfere or not. He decided to wait and see. 

The crowd moved onto the stage and when the DJ put on “It’s Raining Men” they all began to dance, Steve included. 

Johnny's jaw literally dropped as he saw the guy who was always so scared of people thinking he was gay, now dancing on a stage with a drag queens and three other obviously gay men. He was even letting them dance close to him.

"Awww..." Evie said, hanging on Johnny's shoulder. "He ish dansching.... I wanna go too."

She tried to get up but pretty much collapsed on the floor as her legs didn't seem to want to carry her. The three boys flew down to help her up but she just laughed as they got her back onto the chair. 

"What are we gonna do?" Johnny asked and looked at the two others.

"I dunno about you two," Two-Bit said and gazed up at Steve. "But hell, I'm gonna join!" He slammed his beer down on the counter and ran toward the stage, getting a warm welcome as he jumped onto it. 

Normally, Sodapop wouldn't have hesitated a second to follow Two-Bit up there, but he didn't want to leave Johnny behind - even though Evie was with him. Soda didn't want him to feel left out. Besides - it was rather entertaining, sitting here and watching his best friend make an ass of himself. 

"Evie," he said. "Lend me your iPhone."

After much fumbling, she found it in her pocket and handed it to Sodapop. 

"I'll be back in a sec," he said. "And keep an eye on Johnnycake, will ya? Make sure no one kidnaps him while I'm gone," he joked and made his way through the crowd to find a place from where he could get some good shots. 

Two-Bit noticed Sodapop taking pictures and yelled for him to hold on for a moment. He caught the attention of the others and asked them to pose for the camera. Without hesitation, Steve posed along with the rest, first trying to look dangerous and then hot.

"Soda!" Steve yelled and jumped down from the scene, almost falling flat on his face. He ran over to the blonde and slung his arms around him. "You’re my best friend! Seriously, man… I love you!"

Steve had his problems staying on his feet so he hung on Soda.

"Well, I love you too, buddy," laughed Sodapop, remembering how terrified Steve had been earlier that people would think Soda was his boyfriend.


Back at the bar Evie had fallen asleep, her head on the counter. 

"Well, hello there. What's a sweet little thing like you doing out so late?"

Johnny's head whipped around to see a large, blond man, probably in his mid-twenties, standing next to him. 

Johnny suddenly got very nervous and tried to speak but felt the words coming out in unfinished sentences. 

"I-I... I'm h-here... well.. I... m-my boyfriend is out ... a-at… "Johnny pointed in the direction of the dance floor and turned back, facing the bar. He felt a knot in his stomach as the guy kept ogling him. Johnny had probably not made a lot of sense, but had managed to say boyfriend and point. What was there not to understand in that?

"Well, he can't be too interested. He left you here, didn't he?" said the man and moved closer. "Let me buy you a drink. BARMAID," he shouted and wrapped an arm around Johnny's shoulders. "Get my little cutie pie something nice. A cocktail or something."

Johnny carefully ducked out under the man’s arm and edged to the side, as close to Evie as possible. "N-no thanks... um... I don't drink, b-but thanks for the offer."

Johnny was starting to sweat. This guy was not like the one who had hit on Soda. This one didn't just quit as soon as Johnny had mentioned a boyfriend. Johnny nudged Evie, trying to wake her up, but little did it help. She was far gone.

"M-my boyfriend will probably be back soon, so..."

"Now, don't be difficult," the man said. He had a heavy smell of alcohol on his breath. "You can't blame a man for being turned on when you're standing there, looking so delicious.”

He let a hand run down Johnny's side and gave his butt a squeeze. 

Johnny slid down from his seat. He didn't feel like he could just leave Evie but he didn't want to stay here either.

"I... I..."

Johnny was getting lost for words as the man kept looking at him hungrily. He desperately looked around for Sodapop but couldn’t to see him anywhere. He then turned to the man, who was still eating him with his eyes, and decided that maybe he just needed another rejection.

"I… I'm really flattered and all, b-but I am real happy with the guy I'm with... and he’s just on the dancefloor with one of his friends." He shook Evie once again as he sent the man a nervous smile. 

God dammit, wake up!

"Don't be such a prude," said the man and reached out to touch Johnny’s butt again. 

But before he made contact a hand grabbed a tight hold of his wrist. 

"Leave him alone," growled Sodapop, fixing the man with a blazing gaze. 

Johnny felt a rush of relief and gratitude but then became nervous again as he noticed the look on Soda's face. What if they were going to start fighting?

The man looked back at Soda and seemed a bit amused for some reason. "So… this is your boyfriend?" he said and leaned a bit to the side to catch eye-contact with Johnny, who was trying to hide behind Soda. "You sure you don't wanna try a real man instead?"

Johnny shook his head. "I... I'm good..." He took a careful hold on Soda's shoulder. "C-come on…" He didn't want Soda to get into a fight. Not over this.

"You should learn to respect people when they say no," said Soda. "And keep your filthy hands to yourself when you ain’t invited!"

"Ooh," said the man, sounding a bit amused. "Is someone jealous? Well, don't be - you're very welcome to join. Two pretty boys in my bed... Not bad. And I'm sure a grown man like me could teach you kids a trick or two."

"Back off!" growled Soda, glaring at the man with eyes like a thundercloud. He had a strong urge to beat the shit out of him, but he wasn’t keen on getting into a bar fight and risk the police getting involved. On the other hand, he refused to just back down.  

"S-Soda… come on..." Johnny said. When Soda stepped closer to stare down the man, Johnny went up on the side of him, trying to push him back. "D-don't okay? He ain't worth it."

"Is there a problem here?" sounded a voice. 

Soda glanced at the bartender. "This... gentleman can't keep his hands to himself," said Soda stiffly. 

"Do I need to go get the bouncer?"

The blond man looked from Soda to the bartender and back at Soda.

"Whatever," he said, throwing his hands in the air. "If you're gonna be such a bitch about it..."

Johnny breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the man walk away. Then he looked up at Soda, who was still watching the man, clearly making sure he was leaving for good. 

"I'm sorry… I told him no...." Johnny said.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you have to experience that. Did he scare you?" asked Sodapop and put a gentle hand on Johnny's shoulder.

"A… a little," Johnny admitted. "I told him no, but he just didn't get it."

Sodapop smiled softly and pushed Johnny’s bangs away from his face. “Well, there's just some people who can't take a hint. Even a massive one. Just think about a certain blonde at school."

Johnny leaned against Soda. "Yeah, I know... And she’s even worse than that guy."

Two-Bit came back with a large grin on his face. "Seriously, man. Steve is freaking funny when he’s drunk!" He spotted Evie with her head on the table and raised an eyebrow. "Did you knock her out?"

"No, I think Jack Daniels did. Or something like that," said Sodapop."

Two-Bit laughed and sat down on a bar stool. "So," he said as he got another beer. “What are you ladies up to? You ran away pretty fast, Sodapop."

Johnny watched as Two-Bit downed most of his beer in one go, but didn't seem affected at all. That guy sure could drink a lot. Johnny had seen his mother drink half of that amount and pass out cold on the couch, but Two-Bit just drank it like water. 

"Hey, Two-Bit," said Soda who had just spotted two pretty, blond girls making out over by the wall. Soda nodded in their direction, making Two-Bit turn his head to look. 

"Ooh - I gotta check that out! Maybe they’ll let me join. Or watch." He grinned and ran off.

"You never know..." Johnny said and looked after the horny teen who placed himself not far from the two girls, slowly edging closer.

Sodapop chuckled and flashed Johnny a grin. "Two-Bit's wet dream..."

"Yeah... I bet," Johnny grinned at watched Two-Bit, who had now moved so close that the girls, without a doubt, must have noticed him.

Steve came reeling through the crowd. "Soda! Johnny!" he exclaimed when he spotted them. "My favoritest gays... guys... couple!"

Johnny sent Steve a puzzled look and then a small grin. "Hello, Steve..."

"Hello, Johnny!" said Steve and swung an arm around his neck. "Man, I’m soooo glad you're dating my friend. You’re real cool. If you’d been a girl, I’d have hit on you.”

Johnny blushed. "Thanks? I think…"

Steve shushed him, showering him with spit. "Don't tell Evie I said that.”

Steve grinned and ordered drinks for them all, forgetting that Johnny and Soda didn't drink alcohol.

Johnny looked at Soda and shrugged. Then his eyes landed on Two-Bit, who in some miraculous way had managed to convince the girls to leave with him.

"I... I'm shocked! He actually did it?" gasped Johnny.

"Wow..." said Sodapop, a hint of admiration in his voice. “That's really impressive. Maybe they're exhibitionists or something. Why else would they let him come?"

Johnny grinned and took a sip of the drink Steve had ordered, forgetting it was alcohol and not wanting to just spit it out on the counter, he swallowed it, feeling it burn its way down his throat.

Sodapop laughed, seeing the expression on his boyfriend's face. "A bit stronger than that punch, huh? Hey, c'mon - let's dance again."

He pulled Johnny to his feet and headed for the dance floor. There was a slow ballad playing now and Soda pulled Johnny close, wrapped his arms around him, and started swaying slowly to the music. 

Johnny placed his arms around Soda’s neck and looked up, moving alone with him to the music.

It had been a perfect night, apart from the blond guy who couldn’t take a hint. And now he was here, on the dance floor, dancing to a slow song with the guy of his dreams and no one would interrupt them. No one would yell. They could just be there and forget the school for an evening. Johnny laid his head on Soda's shoulder and closed his eyes, feeling Soda move slowly with him.

"I love you," Soda said, brushing his lips against Johnny's ear. "I wanna... I really wanna be yours forever."

"Me too," Johnny sighed happily.


It was getting late – nearly three o'clock - and Soda thought they better get home. Evie and Steve were hanging at the bar, dangerously close to falling asleep. 

"Hey, old man. We gotta go," said Sodapop and patted Steve on the shoulder. 

"What?" Steve mumbled. "The night is just getting started?"

He jumped down from the barstool he was sitting on and would have collapsed had Soda not caught him.

"Wow... You gotta watch the first step… It's a long one…" 

Johnny helped Evie down and she was a bit more willing to go home than Steve was.

"If you puke in your car I ain't taking the blame," said Soda as he stuffed Steve into the back seat with Evie. 

"Mmm, baby," Steve mumbled and pressed himself against his girlfriend. "Gonna go home and have some fun..."

Sodapop chuckled. "Sorry to tell ya, dude, but you ain't gonna be able to have sex in that condition."

"Wanna bet?" Steve slurred and leaned his head against Evie's hair. "I just need a few minutes."

Johnny got into the passenger seat and put on his seatbelt. "You better drive slow," he said, thinking if Soda's driving was like his riding, they were in for a rollercoaster ride.

"Why?" asked Sodapop, a little puzzled. He couldn't see why now was a particularly bad time to drive fast. "Well, it ain't every day I get the chance to drive, so I wanna make the best of it."

He put the stick in "drive" and steered out of the parking lot, the tires screaming. 

Johnny could feel the blood rush away from his face as Soda drove a good 60 mph down the street. He was clearly enjoying driving Steve’s fancy car and since Steve was dead drunk and not complaining, why shouldn't Soda give the car a good spin? Johnny had a good grip on the seat as Soda made a sharp turn and headed out of town where he speed up to 90.

"Man, this is a cool car!" said Sodapop and patted the steering wheel as if it were a living creature. "This is a lot more fun than drinking!"

"I... I wouldn't know," Johnny gulped and covered his eyes as Soda sped over a hill, the tires lifting off the road for a second.

"Ey..." Steve mumbled from the backseat. "You guys stop making out... You're making m’ car jump...."

Soda laughed. "You old boozer! I'm showing your car a good time - not my boyfriend. Not right now, anyway. I don't think he's enjoying this too much for some reason."

“I…” Johnny gulped. “I’m kinda scared.”

Soda turned to him. "Don't you trust me? Like when I first put you on a horse and we rode fast - you didn't get hurt then, did you? Don't worry. I would never get you hurt."

"I...I know. And I trust you... " Johnny said nervously, wishing Sodapop would put his attention back on the road. "I just ain’t used to this kind of speed.”


Way too soon, in Sodapop's opinion, they were back at Windrix Hall. He parked the car and went around to one of the back doors. 

"We better take them to Steve's dorm," he said to Johnny. "I doubt he's able to find his own feet right now, let alone his bed."

"Yeah, he would probably end up sleeping in a classroom or something," Johnny said with a small grin and helped Evie out of the car.

The school was dark and empty. Johnny couldn't remember being out this late before because he didn't recall the school ever being this deserted.

As they made their way toward the dorms, they passed the burned down building. It looked like something from a horror movie. The tarpaulin covering the roof was making an unnerving sound as the wind made it shiver. The windows were still glass-less and looked like empty eyes, staring into the darkness.

It sent shivers down Johnny's spine and he quickly looked away and hurried on, trying not to recall the night of the fire. It was as if every time he thought about it, it became difficult breathing.

They finally made it to Steve's dorm and after letting Steve try to unlock the door in what seemed like an eternity, Soda took the key from him and opened the door. There was no one else in the dorm. Steve had probably asked Tony and Josh to clear out so he could spend the night with Evie.

"Where are we?" Steve asked as Soda sat him down on a chair. He looked around and narrowed his eyes. "Are we home already?"

Johnny helped Evie down on a chair next to Steve. Steve put an arm up her skirt and kissed her ear. "All right kids, beat it. The grown-ups are gonna play.”

Soda chuckled as he closed the door behind them. "Poor Steve... He ain't gonna be able to get it up with that much alcohol in his blood."

The corridor was dimly lit and a little spooky, Johnny thought, so he walked close to Soda.

"I feel like we’re in The Shining or something," Johnny said, half expecting a serial killer to pop around a corner. 

Soda slung an arm around Johnny and pulled him close as they kept walking. 

"Don't worry. I can take on Jack Nicholson any day. And he's like an old man now, so how hard can it be?"


It was nearly four o'clock when they opened the door to the apartment as quietly as possible. If Darry wasn't awake, Soda didn't want to wake him, but the apartment was dark and there was no sign of Darry.

"Man, I'm tired," yawned Sodapop. 

He went into his bedroom waiting for Johnny to use the bathroom. He pulled off shirt and pants and threw himself on the bed. He wasn't going to sleep, but he could just close his eyes a bit while waiting. Just for a bit...

Johnny came out from the bathroom a few minutes later in his pajamas and smiled as he spotted Soda lying sprawled across the bed with his eyes closed. He went over and sat down next to him.

"Don't you wanna get under the covers and maybe have your head on a pillow?" he asked and let his hand run over Soda's golden hair.

Soda half opened his eyes for a second. "In a minute..." he mumbled and his eyes slipped shut again.

Johnny sighed and pulled a blanket and two pillows out from under Soda. He arranged the pillows and pulled the blanket over both of them as he crept close to Soda.

"Goodnight..." he whispered and closed his eyes.


To be continued...
Next part of the party!

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